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Malice Mizer (マリス・ミゼル; Marisu Mizeru) is a visual kei rock band from Japan. They were active from January 1992 to December 2001. Formed by Mana and Közi, the band's name stands for "malice and misery", extracted from "nothing but a being of malice and misery" — their reply to the question "what is human?". Their earlier music and themes were characterized by their strong French and classical influences, later moving away from deliberate French romanticism and incorporating Gothic-Victorian aspects after several tragedies befell the band. Despite the stated archetypes, Malice Mizer is best recognized as a thoroughly original entity.

Malice Mizer is as famous for their music as for their live shows, featuring lavish historical costumes and stage sets, short silent theatre pieces preluding various songs, whimsical dance routines, and even a particularly notable instance of the vocalist descending to Earth (the stage) as a fallen angel, only to ascend again at the end of the concert. Throughout their history, the band has gone through several different lineups and three drastic image changes.

On December 11, 2001, it was announced that Malice Mizer would go on an indefinite hiatus. However, as Mana recently wrote on his homepage, three of the four members (Mana, Közi and Yu~ki) have regained frequent contact with each other from the middle of 2008, and on December 27, seven years after the hiatus started, Mana and Közi finally met again on stage along with members from Moi dix Mois to perform in front of the fans with a session concert. They also performed together during the "Deep Sanctuary"-concert the 17th and 19th of July.

Prosedur Pembelajaran Kontekstual

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SETIAP siswa memiliki gaya belajar sendiri. Bobbi Deporter (1992) menyebutkan hal itu sebagai unsur modalitas belajar. Menurutnya ada tiga belajar pada tiap diri siswa dimana tiap orang memiliki kecenderungan terhadap salah satunya. Ketiga hal itu adalah visual, auditorial, dan kinestetis. Siswa yang memiliki kece-nderungan visual akan cenderung belajar dengan cara melihat. Siswa dengan kecenderungan auditorial akan lebih tertarik untuk belajar dengan mendengarkan suara-suara. Sementara siswa dengan karakter kinestetis akan lebih tertarik untuk praktek dengan me-lakukan suatu kegiatan atau menyentuh secara langsung.
Dalam pembelajaran kontekstual, guru dituntut untuk dapat memahami karakteristik belajar …

cyber jurnalistik

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Setiap harinya kita membutuhkan informasi mengenai kejadian yang terjadi, baik sekeliling kita ataupun dibelahan dunia yang lain. Kebutuhan akan informasi merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia. Dalam Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) setiap orang diberikan kebebasan atas informasi. Pada pasal 19 disebutkan :

“Setiap orang berhak atas kebebasan mempunyai dan mengeluarkan pendapat; dalam hal ini termasuk kebebasan menganut pendapat tanpa mendapat gangguan, dan unetuk mencari, menerim, dan menyampaikan keterangan-keterangan dan pendapat dengan cara apa pun dan dengan tidak memandang batas-batas”

Kebebasan atas informasi juga diatur dalam UUD 1945 pada pasal 28F. Jelas bahwa kebebasan berpendapat, dalam hal ini adalah kebebasan pers merupakan salah satu hak dasar manusia yang dilindungi. Sebab tanpa informasi manusia akan sulit untuk melakukan aktifitas. Informasi diperlukan untuk mengambil keputusan dalam hidup. Jika kita memperoleh informasi yang salah maka akan mengakibatkan kita salah dalam mengambil kebijakan.

Pers menurut pasal 1 ayat 1 UU No. 40 tahun 1999 tentang pers adalah lembaga sosial dan wahana komunikasi massa yang melaksanakan kegiatan jurnalistik. Meliputi mencari, memperoleh, memiliki, menyimpan, mengolah, dan menyampaikan informasi baik dalam bentuk tulisan, suara, gambar, serta data dan grafik maupun dalam bentuk lainnya dengan menggunakan media cetak, media elektronik dan segala jenis saluran yang ada.

Kegiatan jurnalisme adalah kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja. Jurnalisme kini tidak hanya monopoli dari para wartawan. Bahkan masyarakatpun dapat memberikan informasi kepada yang lain. Dalam dunia jurnalistik kita mengenal istilah citizen jurnalism (jurnalisme warga). Dalam citizen jurnalism masyarakat diberikan kebebasan untuk mewartakan informasi melalui media yang ada. Masyarakat bebas untuk menginformasikan segala macam info yang punya muatan berita.

Melalui definisi pers diatas dapat kita tangkap kenyataan bahwa kegiatan jurnalistik tak hanya terbatas pada media cetak. Undang-undang pers tidak membatasi masyarakat terhadap informasi. Penyampaian informasi juga dapat dilakukan dengan media elektronik. Media elektronik juga terdiri dari berbagai jenis antara lain lewat televisi, internet, radio, handphone, maupun PDA.

Yang menarik adalah ketika membicarakan jurnalisme warga. Disini masyarakat dapat menggunakan sarana media elektronik untuk menyampaikan informasi. Sarana internet merupakan sarana yang mudah diakses dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat. Sebab selama ini masyarakat sangat sulit untuk menginformasikan sesuatu ataupun menuntut sesuatu lewat media mainstream (surat kabar, majalah, televisi, dan radio). Media elektronik yang sedang marak digunakan sebagai sarana jurnalistik adalah internet. Kegiatan jurnalisme lewat internet lebih popular dengan istilah Cyber jurnalism.

Jurnalisme warga dalam hal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada khalayak umum tanpa harus dibatasi oleh fasilitas dan sarana mainstream. Kebebasan atas informasi yang telah dijamin oleh UUD 1945 membuka peluang yang besar dalam pengembangan dunia jurnalistik. Kita mengenal adanya Informasi Elektronik yaitu satu atau sekumpulan data elektronik, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada tulisan, suara, gambar, peta, rancangan, foto, electronic data interchange (EDI), surat elektronik (electronic mail), telegram, teleks, telecopy atau sejenisnya, huruf, tanda, angka, Kode Akses, simbol, atau perforasi yang telah diolah yang memiliki arti atau dapat dipahami oleh orang yang mampu memahaminya. Informasi elektronik tersebut dihimpun dan disalurkan melalui media internet.

Internet adalah kumpulan ribuan bahkan jutaan komputer dalam suatu komunitas jaringan yang berbasiskan pada protokol TCP/IP melalui penyedia jasa internet (ISP), internet memiliki berbagai fasilitas seperti Informasi Situs (WWW Browsing), Surat Elektronik (E-mail), Forum Diskusi (Newsgroup), Pertukaran file dan data (FTP) dan lain sebagainya. Dimana fasilitas tersebut diatas meliputi penggunaan gambar, teks, dan audio-video.

Fasilitas yang dimiliki oleh internet sangat mendukung kegiatan jurnalisme. Kecepatan dalam mengakses informasi menjadi kelebiahn jurnalisme lewat internet. Seolah tanpa ada batas dan penghalang antar wartawan di beda negara dapat saling bertukar informasi baik lewat e-mail maupun transfer data dengan FTP.

Kebebasan pers dan cyber journalism
Dalam aktivitas ini, artinya setiap orang dapat menjadi wartawan, apapun konten tulisannya, dia dapat meng-up load di internet, tulisan-tulisan ini dapat dipublikasikan dalam e-mail, website atau blog. Kelebihan cyber jurnalisme adalah kemudahan untuk mengakses ataupun menyebarkan informasi. Kebebasan pers dan cyber jurnalisme sangat erat kaitannya. Cyber jurnalisme merupakan wujud dari kebebasan pers yang diberikan dan dilindungi oleh pemerintah. Dalam UU Pers pemerintah menjamin tidak akan ada pembredelan media massa. Bagi sebagian orang jurnalisme lewat internet lebih menjamin kebebasan pers. Sebab internet cakupannya sangat luas dan tidak dapat dibendung. Contohnya ketika pemerintah menutup akses terhadap situs porno, ternyata situs tersebut masih dapat diakses hanya dengan mengganti nama domain.

Cyber jurnalisme sangat mendukung dan menunjang kebebasan pers di Indonesia. Selama masa orde baru media massa dikendalikan oleh kepentingan pemerintah. Perlahan setelah reformasi hal tersebut berubah. Kini masyarakat bebas untuk menyampaikan informasi. Namun permasalahannya ternyata media yang ada seperti surat kabar, tabloid, dan majalah tidak mampu mewakili keinginan masyarakat tersebut. Oleh karena itulah internet digunakan sebagai media dalam jurnalisme dimasa kini. Jurnalisme lewat website ada dua macam yaitu :

1.Lewat portal berita
Portal berita di internet dapat dikatakan sebagai gudang informasi. Disana kita dapat memperoleh berbagai macam informasi terkini. Lewat portal berita kita akan mendapatkan berita terupdate yang terjadi. Kelebihan ini karena wartawan dapat melakukan posting dari tempat meliput tanpa harus menyerahkan ke meja redaksi. Biasaynya berita yang disajikan berasal dari orang yang berprofesi sebagai wartawan. Portal berita lokal di Indonesia antara lain detik.com, okezone.com, kompas.com, metrotvnews.com, dll. Untuk portal berita asing dapat diakses di BBC.com , VOAnews.com, CNN.com, Reuters.com, dsb.
2.Lewat weblog (blog)
Web log, atau biasa disebut blog, adalah website yang dikelola oleh individu dengan materi-materi aktual seputar gagasan, komentar, deskripsi kegiatan, atau materi lain seperti gambar, video yang di-update secara berkala. Melalui blog inilah citizen jurnalism berkembang. Kini siapa saja dapat menjadi seorang blogger, sebutan bagi pengguna blog. Melalui blog mereka dapat memberitahukan informasi disekitar mereka tanpa harus dihantui ketakutan. Kebebasan pers lewat internet sangat ditunjang oleh keberadaan blog.

Secara terpisah, ranah jurnalisme warga (citizen-journalism) dan blog juga semakin diramaikan dengan sistem kerja yang diberi nama Create Your Own News (Crayon). Sistem kerja crayon membebaskan para blogger untuk memberikan dan membuat informasi. Berita yang disampaikan tanpa harus melewati meja redaksi. Semua mengalir begitu saja sehingga berita yang di posting adalah berita yang lugas. Penyampaian berita tidak hanya menggunakan cara eksplanatif tetapi gaya retoris pun sering kita temui di blog. Hal ini tergantung pada blogger itu sendiri, mereka diberikan kebebasan dalam membuat berita.

Dalam citizen journalism, bukan wartawan/reporter profesional yang membuat berita, tetapi warga biasa. Biasanya berita yang berasal dari masyarakat sifatnya akurat dan dapat dipercaya. Sebab saat ini banyak media massa yang memanipulasi berita yang mereka sajikan. Sehingga masyarakat menjadi tidak tahu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi.

Dalam perjalanannya jurnalisme lewat internet juga mengalami hambatan. Antara lain kurang pedulinya para blogger dengan kode etik jurnalistik. Memang meskipun profesi mereka bukan sebagai jurnalis/wartawan, tetapi harus punya prinsip dan pegangan dalam pemberitaan. Sampai dengan saat ini belum ada kode etik dalam cyber jurnalism. Belum ada pedoman baku dalam jurnalisme internet. Hal ini disebabkan karena kegiatan jurnalisme internet dikatakan masih merupakan hal yang baru.

Nicholas Johnson memberi panduan mendasar dalam jurnalisme berInternet (Journalism in Cyberspace atau Cyber-journalism), antara lain menyangkut larangan:
1.menyerang kepentingan individu, pencemaran nama baik, pembunuhan karakter/reputasi seseorang,
2.menyebarkan kebencian, rasialis, dan mempertentangkan ajaran agama,
3.menyebarkan hal-hal tidak bermoral, mengabaikan kaidah kepatutan menyangkut seksual yang menyinggung perasaan umum, dan perundungan seksual terhadap anakanak,
4.menerapkan kecurangan dan tidak jujur, termasuk menyampaikan promosi/iklan palsu,
5.melanggar dan mengabaikan hak cipta (copyright) dan Hak Atas Karya Intelektual (HAKI, atau Intelectual Property Right/IPR).

Mengenai aturan main dalam dunia informasi elektronik, Undang-undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE) mengatur ketentuan dalam menggunakan fasilitas internet antara lain :
1)Dilarang mendistribusikan dan/atau mentransmisikan dan/atau membuat dapat diaksesnya Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik yang memiliki muatan yang melanggar kesusilaan.
2)Dilarang mendistribusikan dan/atau mentransmisikan dan/atau membuat dapat diaksesnya Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik yang memiliki muatan perjudian.
3)Dilarang mendistribusikan dan/atau mentransmisikan dan/atau membuat dapat diaksesnya Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik yang memiliki muatan penghinaan dan/atau pencemaran nama baik.
4)Dilarang menyebarkan berita bohong dan menyesatkan yang mengakibatkan kerugian konsumen dalam Transaksi Elektronik.
5)Dilarang menyebarkan informasi yang ditujukan untuk menimbulkan rasa kebencian atau permusuhan individu dan/atau kelompok masyarakat tertentu berdasarkan atas suku, agama, ras, dan antargolongan (SARA).

Fungsi dan peranan cyber jurnalism
Dan Gillmor yang menulis buku We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People for the People (2006) juga mengingatkan para pemilik media massa akan kehadiran teknologi internet yang memungkinkan orang membuat situs pribadi atau mailing list untuk menyiarkan berita cepat. Pada tingkat tertentu, jurnalisme publik (citizen jurnalism) — salah satu medianya adalah blog — akan menjadi salah satu andalan, yang mungkin tak dimiliki oleh jurnalisme media-media utama (mainstream).

Dalam Sembilan Prinsip Inti Jurnalisme, yang ditulis dalam buku The Elements of Journalism. What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect (Crown Publishers, 2001).
1.Jurnalisme harus memiliki kewajiban pertama pada kebenaran
2.Jurnalisme harus memiliki loyalitas pertama pada warga masyarakat
3.Jurnalisme harus memiliki kedisiplinan dalam melakukan verifikasi
4.Jurnalisme harus menjaga independensi dari sumber berita
5.Jurnalisme harus memfungsikan dirinya sebagai pemantau independen atas suatu kekuasaan tertentu
6.Jurnalisme harus menyediakan forum bagi kritik dan komentar publik
7.Jurnalisme harus mengupayakan hal yang penting menjadi menarik dan relevan
8.Jurnalisme harus menjaga agar setiap berita komprehensif dan proporsional
9.Jurnalisme harus membolehkan praktisinya untuk menggunakan nuraninya

Sembilan prinsip inti jurnalisme di atas sebaiknya dijadikan panduan bagi masyarakat dalam melakukan jurnalisme warga. Sebab kegiatan jurnalisme bukan kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan tanpa dasar. Seseorang harus menerima pendidikan komunikasi dan jurnalistik agar hasil karyanya sesuai dengan kode etik jurnalistik.

Shayne Bowman dan Chris Willis dalam laporannya We Media: How Audiences are Shaping the Future of News and Information mengatakan, partisipasi warga dalam menulis dan menyiarkan informasi independen, akurat, tersebar luas, dan relevan adalah syarat-syarat bagi demokrasi. Citizen journalism adalah media untuk memberdayakan kelompok kecil warga yang terpinggirkan dari kelompok masyarakat lainnya.

Selain sebagai sarana informasi, internet juga dapat digunakan sebagai sarana agregasi dan menyetakan pendapat. Apapun yang ingin kita sampaikan dapat dituangkan dalam blog ataupun situs pribadi. Internet dirasakan lebih efektif karena sangat murah. Tujuan yang diinginkan akan tercapai karena internet dapat diakses di seluruh dunia. Sehingga kejadian sekecil apapun yang terjadi di Grendeng dapat diketahui oleh masyarakat dunia baik di Benua Eropa, Asia, Amerika, ataupun Afrika. Ini adalah kelebihan utama dari cyber jurnalism.

Jurnalime internet memiliki beberapa kelebihan yang tidak dimiliki oleh sarana pemberitaan yang lain. Berikut ini adalah Keuntungan Jurnalisme Online, seperti yang tertulis dalam buku Online Journalism. Principles and Practices of News for The Web (Holcomb Hathaway Publishers, 2005) :
1)Audience Control. Jurnalisme online memungkinkan audience untuk bisa lebih leluasa dalam memilih berita yang ingin didapatkannya. Pembaca diberikan kebebasab untuk memilih berita yang diinginkan. Banyak sekali informasi yang disajikan lewat internet. Misalnya situs detik.com atau wordpress.com menyediakan jutaan informasi yang dapat dipilih sesuka hati.
2)Nonlienarity. Jurnalisme online memungkinkan setiap berita yang disampaikan dapat berdiri sendiri sehingga audience tidak harus membaca secara berurutan untuk memahami.
3)Storage and retrieval. Online jurnalisme memungkinkan berita tersimpan dan diakses kembali dengan mudah oleh audience. Sifat internet yang online memungkinkan berita yang telah disajikan dapat diakses kapan saja. Hal ini karena situs atau blog memiliki tempat hosting tersendiri yang dapat menampung banyak data.
4)Unlimited Space. Jurnalisme online memungkinkan jumlah berita yang disampaikan / ditayangkan kepada audience dapat menjadi jauh lebih lengkap ketimbang media lainnya. Karena sifat internet yang mampu menggunakan berbagai fitur dan fasilitas tak heran jiak berita yang disajikan tidak terbatas. Sifat internet yang di hosting pada server yang memuat banyak memori memungkinkan kita untuk memberikan berita secara lengkap dan komperhensif.
5)Immediacy. Jurnalisme online memungkinkan informasi dapat disampaikan secara cepat dan langsung kepada audience. Hanya dengan melakukan upload lewat warnet sesorang langsung dapat memberikan informasi kepada para pembaca. Berita yang baru saja terjadi langsung dapat diketahui oleh pembaca melalui perantara situs atau blog.
6)Multimedia Capability. Jurnalisme online memungkinkan bagi tim redaksi untuk menyertakan teks, suara, gambar, video dan komponen lainnya di dalam berita yang akan diterima oleh audience. Jurnalisme tak hanya terbatas pada tulisan ataupun audio visual. Lewat media internet semua media dapat digunakan. Contohlan situs RRIpro3.com yang menyiarkan siaran berita secara online lewat internet. Ataupun dapat mengakses video strimming dari situs tersebut.
7)Interactivity. Jurnalisme online memungkinkan adanya peningkatan partisipasi audience dalam setiap berita. Kita dapat menemukan adanya kolom comment dalam www.kompas.com ataupun blog dari wordpress.com maupun blogger.com. melalui kolom tersebut pembaca dapat menanggapi informasi tersebut dan berpendapat. Kita dapat mendiskusikan informasi tersebut dengan sesama pembaca maupun dengan moderator.

Peranan cyber jurnalisme di indonesia sudah mulai dirasakan banyak pihak. Tengoklah situs detik.com, setiap harinya 500.000 orang mengakses situs tersebut. Pengakses detik.com tidak terbatas kalangan masyarakat. Bahkan detik.com menjadi referensi utama bagi lembaga pemerintahan. Banyak lembaga pemerintah yang memanfaatkan informasi dari detik.com. informasi elektronik yang diperoleh tersebut nantinya akan dijadikan sebagai dasar pembuatan kebijakan. Pemerintah dapat mengambil tindakan secara cepat tanpa harus menunggu lama.

Misalnya ketika tsunami melanda Aceh, saat itu tidak ada wartawan yang dapat mengambil gambar kejadian dan meninformasikan secara cepat melalui media massa. Keterbatasan wartawan untuk mengakses peristiwa tersebut tertutup oleh adanya jurnalisme warga. Masyarakat yang secara kebetulan merekam peristiwa tersebut langsung mem-posting berita ke portal berita maupun blog. Dalam hitungan menit berita dan reportase yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat menyebar sampai dunia internasional. Kecepatan tersebut tentu saja tidak mampu disaingi oleh media seperti koran ataupun majalah.

Melalui cyber jurnalism kita dapat mengetahui kejadian yang selama ini tertutup oleh pemberitaan besar seperti berita politik. Selama ini kita tidak pernah mendengar bagaimana saudara kita di Flores mengalami derita akibat kelaparan. Pemberitaan di media mainstream hanya mengekspos konflik dan intrik politik yang ada di pusat. Banyak hal yang lebih penting dan mendesak ternyata tidak pernah tersentuh oleh media. Sampai ketika seorang blogger bercerita mengenai kampungya yang dilanda kesulitan pangan. Barulah kita mengetahui ternyata banyal informasi yang tidak kita ketahui.

Ketika kenaikan BBM banyak bloger yang mengeluarkan aspirasi dan pendapat serta fakta yang terjadi di lapangan akibat kenaikan BBM. Portal berita besar juga tak kalah gencar dalam memberikan informasi. Peranan jurnalisme internet sangat dirasakan oleh masyarakat. Pemberian informasi dapat dilakukan lebih cepat dan akurat dari media mainstream. Di era persaingan global seperti sekarang ini informasi adalah segalanya.

Tantangan cyber jurnalism di masa depan
Dunia jurnalisme semakin berkembang dengan keberadaan internet. Jurnalisme tidak hanya terbatas dilakukan oleh para wartawan. Warga masyarakat biasa pun dapat memberikan informasi layaknya wartawan. Semakin terbukanya peluang maka tantangan yang dihadapi juga semakin besar. Media internet sebagaimana kita ketahui sifatnya sangat bebas dan terbuka. Setiap orang dapat menyampaikan informasi apapun. Sehingga penyalahgunaan media internet kerap terjadi.

Melihat kesuksesan para blogger, banyak orang yang terjun dalam cyber jurnalisme. Namun tujuan mereka adalah mencari popularitas di dunia maya. Berita yang mereka sampaikan terkadang tidak akurat bahkan cenderung pada fitnah ataupun issue. Pakar telematika Roy Suryo mengkritik habis para blogger. Bahkan blogger dikatakan sebagai sampah di internet karena memberikan informasi yang kurang bermanfaat. Pernyatan tersebut tidak salah, namun kita harus memberikan jawaban dari kritik tersebut
1.Keakuratan berita
Untuk menjadikan situs berita sering dikunjungi oleh para pengguna internet, ia harus memiliki kepercayaan dan kredibilitas yang setara seperti, misalnya, media surat kabar. Keakuratan berita yang disampaikan oleh media internet menjadi alat ukur sejauh mana situs tersebut dapat dipercaya. Saat ini banyak blog yang kurang akurat dalam pemberitaan. Bahkan cenderung menyebarkan issue dan fitnah. Benar apa yang dinyatakan oleh Roy, blogger yang demikian kurang bermanfaat. Akan tetapi tidak semua blog memberikan informasi yang tidak berguna. Hal tersebut dikembalikan kepada para pembaca. Media mana yang akan digunakan dan diakses di internet diserahkan kepada kita. Jika memang tidak menyukai hal tersebut sebaiknya tidak perlu mengakses alamat situs atau blog tersebut.

2.Pertanggung jawaban
Pertanggungjawaban dalam cyber jurnalisme agak sulit untuk dilakukan. Ketika seseorang memberitakan sebuah informasi namun ternyata info tersebut salah. Maka orang yang merasa dirugikan sulit untuk menuntut. Karena memang sifat blog yang sangat bebas dan tanpa batas. Siapapun dapan menuliskan sesuatu tanapa takut. Bahkan ini cenderung menjadi kebebasan pers yang kebablasan. Mekanisme seperti hak jawab, hak koreksi sulit dilakukan dalam blog. Berbeda dengan situs portal yang merupakan badan hukum yang jelas, dimana kita dapat menuntut pertanggungan jawab secara langsung.

Semakin terbukanya era informasi saat ini semakin menjamin kebebasan pers. Namun alangkah baiknya jika momentum kebebasan pers digunakan secara tepat dan bijak. Penyampaian informasi harus sesuai dengan norma dan etika yang berlaku. Bahkan di dunia maya sekalipun terdapat norma yang tidak tertulis dan menjadi kesepakatan bersama. Demi kebebasan pers di Indonesia kita harus bertindak tepat dan cermat dalam memanfaatkan sarana seperti internet.

slash new band

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When Snakepit came off the last Snakepit tour, there were plans to make another album and tour again. However, SLASH had had enough. In the January 2002 of Classic Rock (UK) magazine, SLASH explained why Snakepit was finished:

"You can't reinvent the start of Snakepit. That was my little thing, and it was a blast, seeing all those guys kind of doing it for the first time, but I was kind of carrying everybody (in Snakepit) through that." SLASH also said that for the first time he felt equipped to move forward and do a record on his own. While his other records were done on a whim, this album would have more music in it similar to when SLASH records for other artists. Lots of different styles and guests. In an interview with Acoustic Guitar, SLASH said he would be exploring musical influences and styles such as Asian, Chinese, Indian and African. He didn't want to do anything with too much baggage.

So, Snakepit ended, and SLASH started working on a solo album with musical influences from many other countries. The album was to have guests, but at this point SLASH was "just piecing little parts together". A key event that occurred around this time had to do with Izzy Stradlin. Izzy had just completed an album called On Down The Road, and Duff had played bass on that one. SLASH stays in touch with Izzy, and the talk got around to an album that Izzy was doing and both SLASH and Duff could guest on it. And so they did. In January 2002, SLASH and Duff appeared on an MTV interview talking about the album with Izzy. SLASH said fans would recognize the songs as Izzy's and as Izzy and SLASH's. SLASH and Izzy wrote 5 songs. At that time the songs needed some tweaking and background vocals. Duff laid down the bass track, and of course Izzy did lead vocals and rhythm guitar. The album had no release date or title at this time. A year later, the album still has not been released. At the end of the interview, SLASH and Duff said they did not rule out future work together...and they were so right!

At this point in time, early 2002, Duff was fronting the band called Loaded. As might be expected, Loaded has a definite punk feel to it. Performances were in the Seattle, Los Angeles areas with an occasional short trip outside. Loaded did make it to Japan, and they had a European tour scheduled. This tour would not come to pass.

Over time, the idea for a Duff/Matt/SLASH project came about as the three put more time into jamming and even writing some songs. Soon it became apparent that this was more than just three musicians having some fun together. Another key time in the growth of The Project (so christened at this site because Duff/SLASH/Matt project was too long to type) was the Randy Castillo Benefit. Randy was a drummer who died of cancer, and the benefit was raising money for his family. One of the acts that night was Duff/SLASH/Matt joined by two guys from Buckcherry where the act was promptly christened Buck N'Roses or Cherry Roses. SLASH and the ex-Gunners were now actively looking for a lead vocalist for their Project. Assumptions were made that this would be Buckcherry's Josh Todd, but Duff put out a statement that Josh didn't quite fit with the band.

Around August 2002, Classic Rock published an interview with Duff. In the past the three Project members said the Project was low priority. They would work on it whenever time permitted. Now things had changed. Duff said the Project was "the main priority" and was a serious project for all of them. The band was actively auditioning singers. Also in August, SLASH performed at the San Diego Street Scene where he took time to talk about the new band. He said the band was still nameless (hence "The Project"). "If I had a name, I'd tell you", said SLASH. SLASH did name the second guitarist, Dave Kushner from Loaded. He said they were looking for a rock and roll vocalist...one like Billy Idol when he goes ballistic. SLASH said this would be the "baddest f*cking be-all, end-all rock & roll band". An album is now due out in 2004, and there will be a tour.

In October 2002 there was another key item. Izzy was definitely working with the band! This according to Duff. It's unclear whether Izzy will be behind the scenes or part of the performing band. Izzy doesn't care for touring. Duff also said the band had 36 songs ready to go, and they still had not named a singer but were close. Kelly Shaefer of Neurotica was a front runner at this point and continued to be one.

Duff, Matt and SLASH made some appearances with Camp Freddy (fronted by Billy Morrison), a cover band that has lots of guest artists. They listened to about 500 demo tapes and kept working on the songs. As time moved on, there were said to be three front runners... these were Sebastian Bach, Kelly Shaefer and Travis Meeks (Days of the New). However, other singers were still getting a chance to be heard and possibly try out writing lyrics and singing some of the band's songs. SLASH said he was taking his time. He said in the past he had been so impatient to get going, but this time he was moving slowly.

One thing SLASH did was hiring the A&R man, John Kalodner! This is a big-time name in the music world. Kalodner is probably best known for his work with Aerosmith. You may remember him from the video for "Dude: Look Like a Lady" when Kalodner appeared in a bridal gown! He's also worked with Sammy Hagar, Journey, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Iron Maiden, Bon Jovi, Warrant and many more.

At the end of 2002, The Project was now Duff/Matt/SLASH/Izzy/Dave. They had about 40 songs ready to go. They auditioned singers and were getting close to a selection. John Kalodner was working with them. What remains was getting that singer in, getting all the lyrics done and the music finalized, selecting 12 or so songs for the album, and recording them. In the business area, the band needed to find a label (SLASH quit with Koch) and hire a manager, publicist and tour manager. When the album is turned over, they will plan out the tour. There's a lot of work ahead, and we hope to keep you informed of the happenings in the days to come.

It's now spring of 2003, and The Project makes definite progress. SLASH says they have 40 songs written, and it sounds like he is having a great time using his musical creativity to build up an original songbook for tours. He and Duff and Matt spend a great deal of time rehearsing in the North Hollywood studio that has become like a second home. SLASH told Rolling Stone that Dave Kushner (ex-Loaded) is a full band member. Izzy just is not interested in getting tied up for the whole publicity/touring extravaganza. Izzy has been in on the writing of many songs and has rehearsed with the band, so we hope he will pop up here and there during the tours.

What's on everyone's mind now is the selection of the lead vocalist. The number of demo submissions is over 600 now. Likely vocalists are given auditions at the studio. They've auditioned Sebastian Bach (ex-Skid Row), Scott Weiland of Stone Temple Pilots, Josh Todd (ex-Buckcherry), Kelly Shaefer (ex-Neurotica), Travis Meeks (Days of the New), etc. At least 100 known and unknown singers have come in for a live audition. At one time the front runners were Sebastian Bach and Josh Todd. Josh is now out of the running. Right now Scott Weiland and Sebastian Bach seem to be leading the pack.

The Project was asked to contribute a song to the soundtrack of the movie The Italian Job, and they did Pink Floyd's classic "Money". Teddy ZigZag Andreadis was brought in to do the keyboards, and Scott Weiland did the vocals. The Italian Job is a remake of the 1969 British caper comedy with the setting moved to LA. Director F. Gary Gray and actors Mark Wahlberg, Edward Norton, Charlize Theron and Jason Statham have completed their parts with release set for May 30 and the World Premiere tentatively set to take place May 11 as part of the Tribeca Film Festival. The soundtrack will be out May 26. Recently we learned that there may be no soundtrack album for this movie. The only opportunity to hear The Project's "Money" will be at the movies.

The Project brought in some studio execs and had them listen to the many songs they have put together. These are execs who select bands to do soundtracks. The band received many offers through 2004. An upcoming one is for the movie The Hulk. The Project wrote an original song "Set Me Free". At first, the soundtrack was just be the movie score, but it's been announced that "Set Me Free" will be on the soundtrack as the only vocals track. You can hear a bit of "Set Me Free" if you go to The Hulk's official site, www.thehulk.com. Trailers 1 and 2 have a bit on there. At the movies and on the soundtrack are the places to hear more. The song was performed by SLASH, Duff, Matt, Dave and sung by Scott Weiland.

Scott Weiland announced to Rolling Stone that he had signed a contract and was in the band. He also gave away the band name as Reloaded. The next day a spokesperson for SLASH said that no contract had been drawn up or signed. Weiland was still not a permanent member of the band. As for Reloaded, the band met and decided they would go by their individual names for the two soundtrack songs. Note that for typing purposes, we will refer to the band as The Project.

In May 2003, Scott Weiland was arrested on drug possession charges after police stopped his car for driving without lights and spotted drug paraphernalia on the seat. A search turned up cocaine and heroin. Weiland was released on $25,000 bond. At his arraignment on June 2, 2003, Weiland pleaded guilty to two charges of drug possession. At this time he was put into drug rehab. Weiland says he has bipolar disorder (manic depression) for which he takes no meds because he feels it flattens his personality. Friends say that Weiland is deep into his addiction. He has been released to rehab twice before when picked up by the police for drug possession. The District Attorney's office doubts that he will escape jail time on this latest bust. Problems with Scott came frequently when he was arrested for DUI and smashed into a van. The court sentenced him to lockdown rehab. When he applied to leave to make the video for a single of the album, the judge first turned him down, but later gave permission with a lot of conditions attached.

Despite his legal and drug problems, Scott Weiland became the official vocalist for the band on June 5, 2003. After listening to over 600 demos, personally auditioning singers such as Sebastian Bach, Travis Meeks (Days of the New), Beth Hart, Todd Kearns, Shawn Albro, Neurotica's Kelly Shaefer, Buckcherry's Josh Todd and more, SLASH announced his final choice. Fans wondered what will happen if Weiland is convicted of two counts of drug possession and goes to jail for a year. No word on that as yet. The band name, Reloaded, was announced by Weiland before the final decision was named. The band name is officially Velvet Revolver. SLASH contributed Revolver, and Scott added Velvet. They are ready to roll! SLASH says they'll be in the studio in September 2003 and will release an album in early 2004. Some shows are on tap for summer 2003, but the tour schedule is not available as yet. The band signed with RCA which uses BMG for distribution.

SLASH and other Velvet Revolver members announced their support of Scott in his legal problems. Duff said this is something they have all been through, and SLASH added that the band is clean now. Their first public appearance was June 19, 2003 at the El Rey in LA. It was a private show for some SLASH fan club members, radio show giveaway winners, media and friends and relatives of the band. Fans lined up starting at 4 pm for doors opening at 9pm. The lines went up and down the block, and it was great to see all the GNR and Snakepit t-shirts. A security guard said it was not 100% sure that all these people would get in. They were lining up for 5 hours for a CHANCE to get in! The band did a press conference first, the fans poured in and Velvet Revolver rocked the house. Some t-shirts were given out, the fans applauded madly, Scott did some stage dives and sang into his trademark megaphone. SLASH played ferociously and showed off a new B.C. Rich black guitar. Duff smiled and Matt pounded a terrific groove with Dave adding to the killer sound. It was a night when nothing seemed to go wrong, and 5 world class musicians met some of their public. The setlist was: "Bodies" (Sex Pistols), "Set Me Free", "Sex Type Thing" (STP), "It's So Easy (GNR) and "Slither" (their new one). Velvet Revolver will release the single "Slither" off the new album which is named Contraband. "Slither" was produced by legendary producer Bob Ezrin. "Slither" will also get a video. The album release date is June 8. SLASH and Duff have just concluded a worldwide promotional tour.

Tours will be planned and the schedule released as available. There will be some shows (and what SLASH called surprise gigs) in the LA area this summer. And there will be a tour after they get Scott out of rehab. Velvet Revolver ("Revolver" from SLASH, "Velvet" from Scott) is determined to bring back rock and roll!

That's the history of SLASH's newest band, Velvet Revolver. Nearly every day there is some news of the band. Check the NEWS section of this site for news on everything SLASH - Velvet Revolver, SLASH's solo work, current and old bandmates. The remaining parts of this Velvet Revolver section give tour information, a discography, band members bios - for those wanting just summary information. If you want the day to day Velvet Revolver news, check NEWS (www.snakepit.org, scroll down to Fan Menu, click "News").

We are always interested in pictures you have for the photo album and for this section. We need lots and lots of pictures, advertisements, flyers, etc. Anything you send will be helpful! You can reach us at: webmaster@snakepit.org. Any articles or interviews about Velvet Revolver would be useful to all the fans. Send those along to webmaster@snakepit.org also
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Elvis Presley

Induction Year: 1986

Induction Category: Performer

Elvis Presley is the undisputed King of Rock and Roll. He rose from humble circumstances to launch the rock and roll revolution with his commanding voice and charismatic stage presence. In the words of the historical marker that stands outside the house where he was born: “Presley’s career as a singer and entertainer redefined popular music.”

Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, on January 8, 1935, and grew up surrounded by gospel music of the Pentecostal church. In 1948 the family moved to Memphis, where he was exposed to blues and jazz on Beale Street. After graduating from high school in 1953, an 18-year-old Presley visited the Memphis Recording Service - also the home of Sun Records - to record his voice. Owner/producer was struck by the plaintive emotion in Presley’s vocals and subsequently teamed him with guitarist and bassist Bill Black. In July 1954 the trio worked up “That’s All Right” and “Blue Moon of Kentucky” - blues and country songs, respectively - in a crackling, uptempo style that stands as the blueprint for rock and roll.

After five groundbreaking singles, Presley’s contract was sold to RCA Records and his career quickly took off. “I Forgot to Remember to Forget” - his last single for Sun and first for RCA - went to #1 on the country charts. “Heartbreak Hotel,” a haunting ballad, became his first across-the-board hit, holding down the top spot for eight weeks. Presley’s hip-shaking performances on a series of TV variety shows, including Ed Sullivan’s, generated hysteria and controversy. From blistering rockers to aching balladry, Presley captivated and liberated the teenage audience. His historic string of hits in 1956 and ‘57 included “Don’t Be Cruel,” “Hound Dog,” “Love Me Tender,” “All Shook Up” and “Jailhouse Rock.”

Presley’s career momentum was interrupted by a two-year Army stint in Germany, where he met his future wife, Priscilla. For much of the Sixties, he occupied himself with movie-making and soundtrack-recording. His albums of sacred songs, such as How Great Thou Art, stand out from this otherwise fallow period. Presley’s standing as a rock and roller was rekindled with an electrifying TV special, simply titled Elvis and broadcast on December 3, 1968. He followed this mid-career renaissance with some of the most mature and satisfying work of his career. Recording in Memphis, he cut such classic tracks as “In the Ghetto, “Suspicious Minds” and “Kentucky Rain” with the soulful, down-home musicians at American Studio.

If the Fifties were devoted to rock and roll and the Sixties to movies, the Seventies represent the performing chapter in Presley’s career. He toured constantly, performing to capacity crowds around the country until his death. Presley died of a heart attack at Graceland, his Memphis mansion, on August 16, 1977. He was 42 years old. How big was Elvis?

Statistically, he holds records for the most Top Forty hits (107), the most Top Ten hits (38), the most consecutive #1 hits (10) and the most weeks at #1 (80). As far as his stature as a cultural icon, which continues to grow even in death, writer Lester Bangs said it best: “I can guarantee you one thing - we will never again agree on anything as we agreed on Elvis.”


January 8, 1935: Elvis Aron Presley is born to Gladys and Vernon Presley in a two-room cabin on North Saltillo Road in East Tupelo, Mississippi.

Summer 1953: Elvis Presley stops at Memphis Recording Service to record two songs, “My Happiness” and “That’s When Your Heartaches Begin,” as a birthday present for his mother. Phillips notes that Presley has a good feel for ballads and should be invited back.

July 18, 1953: Elvis Presley, then earning his keep as a truck driver, drops by the Memphis Recording Service, home of Sun Records. He privately records two songs ("My Happiness"/"That’s When Your Heartaches Begin") for the sum of $4, leaving with a ten-inch acetate. Office manager Marion Keisker jots a note for owner : “Good ballad singer.”

January 4, 1954: A young Elvis Presley visits the Memphis Recording Service to record “Casual Love Affair” and “I’ll Never Stand in Your Way” and meets Sun Records owner .

June 27, 1954: After several fruitless recording sessions, pairs Elvis Presley with guitarist and bass player Bill Black. He hopes the singer might find his voice by rehearsing with other musicians cut from the same country, pop, gospel and R&B cloth.

July 5, 1954: Rock and roll history is made when Elvis Presley, and Bill Black spontaneously perform bluesman Arthur “Big Boy” Cruddup’s “That’s All Right” in romping, uptempo style. The next day, bluegrass pioneer Bill Monroe’s “Blue Moon of Kentucky” is given a similarly playful treatment. On July 19th, the two songs are released as Elvis Presley’s first single, which bears the legend “Sun 209.”

July 19, 1954: Sun releases “That’s All Right” and “Blue Moon of Kentucky” by Elvis Presley, backed by guitarist and bassist Bill Black.

July 20, 1954: Elvis Presley makes his first public appearance, performing on a flatbed truck in Memphis. This inaugurates a period of wildly performed and riotously received concerts that will be interrupted only by Presley’s induction into the U.S. Army.

August 15, 1955: Elvis Presley signs a management contract with “Colonel” Tom Parker, whose other clients included country-music stars Eddy Arnold and Hank Snow. The relationship with Parker will continue till Presley’s death.

November 1, 1955: Despite Presley’s growing popularity, his five Sun singles fail to make a dent on the national charts. Phillips sells his contract to RCA Records for $35,000.

November 20, 1955: Elvis Presley’s contract with Sun Records, including all previously released and recorded material, is sold to the New York-based RCA label for $35,000.

January 27, 1956: Elvis Presley’s debut single for RCA, “Heartbreak Hotel,” is released. The first of Presley’s 17 Number One hits, it holds down the top spot for eight weeks. “Heartbreak Hotel” establishes Elvis Presley and rock and roll itself as national phenomena.

January 28, 1956: Elvis Presley makes his first appearance on network TV as a guest on Stage Show, hosted by jazz bandleaders Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey. Throughout 1956, Presley’s biggest year, he will also appear on The Milton Berle Show, The Steve Allen Show and The Ed Sullivan Show.

April 15, 1956: Heartbreak Hotel (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

July 22, 1956: I Want You, I Need You, I Love You (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

August 4, 1956: What many consider to be one of rock’s greatest double-sided singles, “Don’t Be Cruel” and “Hound Dog,” is released. Both sides will share the top spot for 11 weeks.

August 12, 1956: Hound Dog/Don’t Be Cruel (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

October 28, 1956: Love Me Tender (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

November 15, 1956: The film ‘Love Me Tender,’ which features Elvis Presley in the first of 31 Hollywood movie roles, premieres at the New York Paramount. Two months earlier, on September 9th, he performed the title song on the Ed Sullivan Show to a record viewing audience estimated at 54 million.

December 4, 1956: Four legendary past and present Sun Records recording artists—Elvis Presley, , and Johnny Cash—gather at Sun for an informal jam session. Later dubbed the Million Dollar Quartet, the stars (sans Cash, who stays only briefly) perform gospel standards and recent hits in relaxed, impromptu fashion.

December 4, 1956: The “Million Dollar Quartet"—Presley, Perkins, Cash and —records old gospel, country and pop songs at an impromptu session. The recordings aren’t officially released until the mid-Eighties.

1957: Leiber & Stoller are summoned to New York by Elvis’s Brill Building music publisher to write songs for the movie ‘Jailhouse Rock.’ The title song soon reaches #1.

January 6, 1957: Elvis Presley sings five songs in his final performance on the Ed Sullivan Show.

January 8, 1957: Elvis Presley passes the pre-induction exam for the Army.

February 3, 1957: Too Much (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

April 7, 1957: All Shook Up (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

July 2, 1957: (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

September 1, 1957: goes to see Elvis Presley perform at Sicks Stadium.

October 15, 1957: Jailhouse Rock (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

December 19, 1957: Elvis Presley is served with his draft notice while home at Graceland for the Christmas holidays. He is sworn in as a private in the U.S. Army on March 24, 1958, and later sent to basic training in Fort Hood, Texas. Shipped to Germany, he will serve in Company D, 32nd Tank Battalion, 3rd Armor Corps, from October 1, 1958, to March 1, 1960.

February 4, 1958: Don’t (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

July 15, 1958: Hard Headed Woman (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

August 4, 1959: A Big Hunk O’ Love (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

April 19, 1960: Stuck On You (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

May 12, 1960: Elvis guest-stars on a Frank Sinatra-hosted TV special, Welcome Home Elvis, and cuts his first post-Army recordings in Nashville. They yield the hit album Elvis Is Back and such million-selling singles as “It’s Now or Never” and “Are You Lonesome Tonight.”

August 9, 1960: It’s Now Or Never (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

November 22, 1960: Are You Lonesome Tonight? (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

March 14, 1961: Surrender (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

December 16, 1961: The soundtrack to Blue Hawaii reaches #1 on the album charts, where it will remain for 20 weeks. With sales of 2 million, it is Elvis Presley’s best-selling album to date.

April 15, 1962: Good Luck Charm (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

July 26, 1965: Elvis Presley’s version of the Orioles’ “Crying in the Chapel” peaks at #3 on the pop chart.

August 27, 1965: spend the evening talking and playing music with Elvis Presley at his Bel air home.

May 1, 1967: Elvis Presley marries Priscilla Beaulieu, who he met eight and a half years earlier during his tour of duty in Germany, at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas. Their daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, is born exactly nine months later, on February 1, 1968.

December 3, 1968: NBC airs “Elvis,” a television special that revitalizes Elvis’ career as a rock and roll performer.

December 8, 1968: The hour-long special Elvis, sponsored by Singer Sewing Machines, airs on NBC-TV. Clad in black leather, Elvis successfully pulls off the greatest comeback in rock and roll history. After his decade-long stint as a movie star, he re-establishes himself as a musical performer and cultural totem on this electrifying, widely viewed special.

January 13, 1969: Presley enters American Sound Studio in Memphis, where he will cut some of the finest recordings of his career, including the hits “In the Ghetto” and “Suspicious Minds.” It is the first time he’s recorded in his hometown since 1956.

July 31, 1969: Elvis Presley performs his first live concert since March 25, 1961, opening a four-week engagement at the 1,500-capacity Showroom at the International Hotel in Las Vegas. The remaining eight years of Presley’s life will largely be devoted to live performances, either on the road or at the International Hotel.

October 26, 1969: Suspicious Minds (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

1969: Elvis Presley returns to the road. His guitarist and bandleader is James Burton, who will remain with Presley until his death in 1977.

January 9, 1971: Elvis Presley is named one of 10 Outstanding Young Men of the Year by the U.S. Jaycees.

October 9, 1973: Elvis and Priscilla Presley divorce in Santa Monica, California.

June 26, 1977: Elvis Presley delivers his last live performance, at Market Square Arena in Indianapolis, Indiana.

July 16, 1977: The last of 105 singles by Elvis Presley to reach the Top Forty in his lifetime, “Way Down,” enters Billboard’s Top Pop Singles chart, peaking at #18.

August 16, 1977: An unconscious Elvis Presley is rushed to Baptist Memorial Hospital around 3 p.m. Despite efforts to revive him, Presley is subsequently pronounced dead. At a press conference that evening, medical examiner Dr. Jerry Francisco indicates that the cause of death appeared to be “cardiac arrhythmia,” noting that, “There was severe cardiovascular disease present.”

January 23, 1986: Elvis Presley is inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame at the first induction dinner. Julian and Sean Lennon are his presenters.

1992: The Elvis Presley postage stamp is released.

Essential Songs

Love Me Tender
All Shook Up
In the Ghetto
That’s All Right
Suspicious Minds
Can’t Help Falling in Love
Mystery Train
Hound Dog
Heartbreak Hotel
Jailhouse Rock

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Rock and roll

Rock and roll (sering ditulis sebagai rock 'n' roll) adalah genre musik yang berkembang di Amerika Serikat di akhir tahun 1940-an, dan mencapai puncak kepopuleran di awal tahun 1950-an. Dari Amerika Serikat, genre musik ini tersebar ke seluruh dunia. Rock and roll melahirkan berbagai macam subgenre yang secara keseluruhan dikenal sebagai musik rock.

Ciri khas rock and roll adalah pada ketukan (beat) yang biasanya dipadu dengan lirik. Rock and roll menggunakan beat yang didasarkan salah satu ritme musik blues yang disebut boogie woogie ditambah aksen backbeat yang hampir selalu diisi pukulan snare drum. Versi klasik dari rock and roll dimainkan dengan satu atau dua gitar listrik, gitar bas listrik, dan drum set. Perangkat kibor sering dimainkan sebagai alat musik tambahan. Bila dimainkan dengan dua gitar listrik, gitar listrik yang dimainkan untuk memberi melodi disebut guitar lead, sedangkan gitar untuk memberi ritme dan harmoni disebut gitar ritme. Saksofon sering dijadikan instrumen melodi pada gaya rock and roll awal tahun 1950-an, tapi digantikan perannya oleh gitar elektrik di pertengahan tahun 1950-an. Di akhir tahun 1940-an, bentuk awal rock and roll bahkan memakai piano sebagai instrumen melodi. Salah satu cikal bakal rock and roll adalah musik boogie woogie dengan piano sebagai melodi, seperti permainan musik berbagai kelompok big band yang mendominasi dunia musik Amerika dekade 1940-an. Kepopuleran rock and roll secara massal dan mendunia ternyata menimbulkan dampak sosial yang tidak terduga. Rock and roll bukan saja mempengaruhi gaya bermusik, tapi sekaligus gaya hidup, gaya berpakaian, dan bahasa. Selain sukses di dunia musik, bintang-bintang di periode awal rock and roll juga sukses di dunia film dan televisi. Elvis Presley, misalnya merupakan bintang rock and roll yang sukses sebagai bintang film dan televisi.

Istilah slang "rock and roll" sering dipakai orang berkulit hitam untuk menyebut "hubungan seks". Penyanyi wanita Trixie Smith pertama kali menggunakan istilah "rock and roll" dalam lagu "My Baby Rocks Me With One Steady Roll" yang diedarkan tahun 1922.


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Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley is the undisputed King of Rock and Roll. He rose from humble circumstances to launch the rock and roll revolution with his commanding voice and charismatic stage presence. In the words of the historical marker that stands outside the house where he was born: “Presley’s career as a singer and entertainer redefined popular music.”

Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, on January 8, 1935, and grew up surrounded by gospel music of the Pentecostal church. In 1948 the family moved to Memphis, where he was exposed to blues and jazz on Beale Street. After graduating from high school in 1953, an 18-year-old Presley visited the Memphis Recording Service - also the home of Sun Records - to record his voice. Owner/producer Sam Phillips was struck by the plaintive emotion in Presley’s vocals and subsequently teamed him with guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black. In July 1954 the trio worked up “That’s All Right” and “Blue Moon of Kentucky” - blues and country songs, respectively - in a crackling, uptempo style that stands as the blueprint for rock and roll.

After five groundbreaking singles, Presley’s contract was sold to RCA Records and his career quickly took off. “I Forgot to Remember to Forget” - his last single for Sun and first for RCA - went to #1 on the country charts. “Heartbreak Hotel,” a haunting ballad, became his first across-the-board hit, holding down the top spot for eight weeks. Presley’s hip-shaking performances on a series of TV variety shows, including Ed Sullivan’s, generated hysteria and controversy. From blistering rockers to aching balladry, Presley captivated and liberated the teenage audience. His historic string of hits in 1956 and ‘57 included “Don’t Be Cruel,” “Hound Dog,” “Love Me Tender,” “All Shook Up” and “Jailhouse Rock.”

Presley’s career momentum was interrupted by a two-year Army stint in Germany, where he met his future wife, Priscilla. For much of the Sixties, he occupied himself with movie-making and soundtrack-recording. His albums of sacred songs, such as How Great Thou Art, stand out from this otherwise fallow period. Presley’s standing as a rock and roller was rekindled with an electrifying TV special, simply titled Elvis and broadcast on December 3, 1968. He followed this mid-career renaissance with some of the most mature and satisfying work of his career. Recording in Memphis, he cut such classic tracks as “In the Ghetto, “Suspicious Minds” and “Kentucky Rain” with the soulful, down-home musicians at American Studio.

If the Fifties were devoted to rock and roll and the Sixties to movies, the Seventies represent the performing chapter in Presley’s career. He toured constantly, performing to capacity crowds around the country until his death. Presley died of a heart attack at Graceland, his Memphis mansion, on August 16, 1977. He was 42 years old. How big was Elvis?

Statistically, he holds records for the most Top Forty hits (107), the most Top Ten hits (38), the most consecutive #1 hits (10) and the most weeks at #1 (80). As far as his stature as a cultural icon, which continues to grow even in death, writer Lester Bangs said it best: “I can guarantee you one thing - we will never again agree on anything as we agreed on Elvis.”


January 8, 1935: Elvis Aron Presley is born to Gladys and Vernon Presley in a two-room cabin on North Saltillo Road in East Tupelo, Mississippi.

Summer 1953: Elvis Presley stops at Memphis Recording Service to record two songs, “My Happiness” and “That’s When Your Heartaches Begin,” as a birthday present for his mother. Phillips notes that Presley has a good feel for ballads and should be invited back.

July 18, 1953: Elvis Presley, then earning his keep as a truck driver, drops by the Memphis Recording Service, home of Sun Records. He privately records two songs ("My Happiness"/"That’s When Your Heartaches Begin") for the sum of $4, leaving with a ten-inch acetate. Office manager Marion Keisker jots a note for owner Sam Phillips: “Good ballad singer.”

January 4, 1954: A young Elvis Presley visits the Memphis Recording Service to record “Casual Love Affair” and “I’ll Never Stand in Your Way” and meets Sun Records owner Sam Phillips.

June 27, 1954: After several fruitless recording sessions, Sam Phillips pairs Elvis Presley with guitarist Scotty Moore and bass player Bill Black. He hopes the singer might find his voice by rehearsing with other musicians cut from the same country, pop, gospel and R&B cloth.

July 5, 1954: Rock and roll history is made when Elvis Presley, Scotty Moore and Bill Black spontaneously perform bluesman Arthur “Big Boy” Cruddup’s “That’s All Right” in romping, uptempo style. The next day, bluegrass pioneer Bill Monroe’s “Blue Moon of Kentucky” is given a similarly playful treatment. On July 19th, the two songs are released as Elvis Presley’s first single, which bears the legend “Sun 209.”

July 19, 1954: Sun releases “That’s All Right” and “Blue Moon of Kentucky” by Elvis Presley, backed by guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black.

July 20, 1954: Elvis Presley makes his first public appearance, performing on a flatbed truck in Memphis. This inaugurates a period of wildly performed and riotously received concerts that will be interrupted only by Presley’s induction into the U.S. Army.

August 15, 1955: Elvis Presley signs a management contract with “Colonel” Tom Parker, whose other clients included country-music stars Eddy Arnold and Hank Snow. The relationship with Parker will continue till Presley’s death.

November 1, 1955: Despite Presley’s growing popularity, his five Sun singles fail to make a dent on the national charts. Phillips sells his contract to RCA Records for $35,000.

November 20, 1955: Elvis Presley’s contract with Sun Records, including all previously released and recorded material, is sold to the New York-based RCA label for $35,000.

January 27, 1956: Elvis Presley’s debut single for RCA, “Heartbreak Hotel,” is released. The first of Presley’s 17 Number One hits, it holds down the top spot for eight weeks. “Heartbreak Hotel” establishes Elvis Presley and rock and roll itself as national phenomena.

January 28, 1956: Elvis Presley makes his first appearance on network TV as a guest on Stage Show, hosted by jazz bandleaders Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey. Throughout 1956, Presley’s biggest year, he will also appear on The Milton Berle Show, The Steve Allen Show and The Ed Sullivan Show.

April 15, 1956: Heartbreak Hotel (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

July 22, 1956: I Want You, I Need You, I Love You (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

August 4, 1956: What many consider to be one of rock’s greatest double-sided singles, “Don’t Be Cruel” and “Hound Dog,” is released. Both sides will share the top spot for 11 weeks.

August 12, 1956: Hound Dog/Don’t Be Cruel (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

October 28, 1956: Love Me Tender (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

November 15, 1956: The film ‘Love Me Tender,’ which features Elvis Presley in the first of 31 Hollywood movie roles, premieres at the New York Paramount. Two months earlier, on September 9th, he performed the title song on the Ed Sullivan Show to a record viewing audience estimated at 54 million.

December 4, 1956: Four legendary past and present Sun Records recording artists—Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash—gather at Sun for an informal jam session. Later dubbed the Million Dollar Quartet, the stars (sans Cash, who stays only briefly) perform gospel standards and recent hits in relaxed, impromptu fashion.

December 4, 1956: The “Million Dollar Quartet"—Presley, Perkins, Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis—records old gospel, country and pop songs at an impromptu session. The recordings aren’t officially released until the mid-Eighties.

1957: Leiber & Stoller are summoned to New York by Elvis’s Brill Building music publisher to write songs for the movie ‘Jailhouse Rock.’ The title song soon reaches #1.

January 6, 1957: Elvis Presley sings five songs in his final performance on the Ed Sullivan Show.

January 8, 1957: Elvis Presley passes the pre-induction exam for the Army.

February 3, 1957: Too Much (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

April 7, 1957: All Shook Up (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

July 2, 1957: (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

September 1, 1957: Jimi Hendrix goes to see Elvis Presley perform at Sicks Stadium.

October 15, 1957: Jailhouse Rock (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

December 19, 1957: Elvis Presley is served with his draft notice while home at Graceland for the Christmas holidays. He is sworn in as a private in the U.S. Army on March 24, 1958, and later sent to basic training in Fort Hood, Texas. Shipped to Germany, he will serve in Company D, 32nd Tank Battalion, 3rd Armor Corps, from October 1, 1958, to March 1, 1960.

February 4, 1958: Don’t (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

July 15, 1958: Hard Headed Woman (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

August 4, 1959: A Big Hunk O’ Love (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

April 19, 1960: Stuck On You (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

May 12, 1960: Elvis guest-stars on a Frank Sinatra-hosted TV special, Welcome Home Elvis, and cuts his first post-Army recordings in Nashville. They yield the hit album Elvis Is Back and such million-selling singles as “It’s Now or Never” and “Are You Lonesome Tonight.”

August 9, 1960: It’s Now Or Never (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

November 22, 1960: Are You Lonesome Tonight? (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

March 14, 1961: Surrender (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

December 16, 1961: The soundtrack to Blue Hawaii reaches #1 on the album charts, where it will remain for 20 weeks. With sales of 2 million, it is Elvis Presley’s best-selling album to date.

April 15, 1962: Good Luck Charm (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

July 26, 1965: Elvis Presley’s version of the Orioles’ “Crying in the Chapel” peaks at #3 on the pop chart.

August 27, 1965: The Beatles spend the evening talking and playing music with Elvis Presley at his Bel air home.

May 1, 1967: Elvis Presley marries Priscilla Beaulieu, who he met eight and a half years earlier during his tour of duty in Germany, at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas. Their daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, is born exactly nine months later, on February 1, 1968.

December 3, 1968: NBC airs “Elvis,” a television special that revitalizes Elvis’ career as a rock and roll performer.

December 8, 1968: The hour-long special Elvis, sponsored by Singer Sewing Machines, airs on NBC-TV. Clad in black leather, Elvis successfully pulls off the greatest comeback in rock and roll history. After his decade-long stint as a movie star, he re-establishes himself as a musical performer and cultural totem on this electrifying, widely viewed special.

January 13, 1969: Presley enters American Sound Studio in Memphis, where he will cut some of the finest recordings of his career, including the hits “In the Ghetto” and “Suspicious Minds.” It is the first time he’s recorded in his hometown since 1956.

July 31, 1969: Elvis Presley performs his first live concert since March 25, 1961, opening a four-week engagement at the 1,500-capacity Showroom at the International Hotel in Las Vegas. The remaining eight years of Presley’s life will largely be devoted to live performances, either on the road or at the International Hotel.

October 26, 1969: Suspicious Minds (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

1969: Elvis Presley returns to the road. His guitarist and bandleader is James Burton, who will remain with Presley until his death in 1977.

January 9, 1971: Elvis Presley is named one of 10 Outstanding Young Men of the Year by the U.S. Jaycees.

October 9, 1973: Elvis and Priscilla Presley divorce in Santa Monica, California.

June 26, 1977: Elvis Presley delivers his last live performance, at Market Square Arena in Indianapolis, Indiana.

July 16, 1977: The last of 105 singles by Elvis Presley to reach the Top Forty in his lifetime, “Way Down,” enters Billboard’s Top Pop Singles chart, peaking at #18.

August 16, 1977: An unconscious Elvis Presley is rushed to Baptist Memorial Hospital around 3 p.m. Despite efforts to revive him, Presley is subsequently pronounced dead. At a press conference that evening, medical examiner Dr. Jerry Francisco indicates that the cause of death appeared to be “cardiac arrhythmia,” noting that, “There was severe cardiovascular disease present.”

January 23, 1986: Elvis Presley is inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame at the first induction dinner. Julian and Sean Lennon are his presenters.

1992: The Elvis Presley postage stamp is released.

rock from 70's to 21 century

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